Founder & Creative Director of Men's Style Pro, Sabir has…
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[youtube]This past Saturday, Scott Schuman aka The Sartorialist made his first trip to Philadelphia for a private lunch and Q&A session. Later that day, he did a book signing of his latest work, The Sartorialist : Closer, at the Barnes Foundation in the Art Museum area of Philly. I had the privilege to be invited to the lunch/Q&A session preceding the book signing (and I had my copy that I luckily purchased before meeting him) which was held at COOK. The event was hosted by Rakia Reynolds of Skai Blue Media and Emily Goulet of Philadelphia Magazine. As a special treat, the moderator for the Q&A session was none other than the “bearded-man” himself, Mr. Ouigi Theodore, owner and creative director of the renowned clothing brand The Brooklyn Circus.
Needless to say, there was no shortage of stylish people on hand for countless photo ops. Not to be outshined, Mr. Schuman was accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend Garance Dore (photographer & renowned blogger). During the lunch Q&A, it was enlightening to get into the mind and thought processes of Scott Schuman. A very endearing man, Scott spoke about his family, currently relationship and his growth as a photographer. Next summer I’m planning to attend Pitti Uomo in Florence, Italy and I asked Scott about his experience and what to do besides attending the shows. Instead of telling me to “look my best or best sure to be photographed”, he suggested renting a bike and exploring the city at night. In all The Sartorialist is a normal guy, that enjoys capturing beautiful moments from behind a camera lens (and has an amazingly beautiful girlfriend!).
Special thanks to Scott Schuman, Garance Dore & Ouigi Theodore for signing my copy of The Sartorialist : Closer.
Pictures from the day
Sabir M. Peele of Men’s Style Pro with Scott Schuman aka The Sartorialist at COOK in Philly
Ouigi Theodore owner & creative director of The Brooklyn Circus with The Sartorialist
The ever-so-stylish Denise Fike of
Leah Kauffman of in leather in lace
The beautiful Garance Dore of
Dani Sigel of Resto Development
Swabreen Bakr of
Be sure to check out The Sartorialist and grab a copy of The Sartorialist : Closer (now in stores).
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Founder & Creative Director of Men's Style Pro, Sabir has a deep passion for menswear and all things manly. Selected as one of the "5 Best Dressed Men In America" by Esquire Magazine in 2010 & as #GQFall 2013 Best Dressed Man. As of 2014, Sabir serves as a freelance brand ambassador & executive stylist for GQ Magazine & GQ Report. Outside of that partnership, Sabir serves as an independent brand consultant as well. Reach me directly at SABIR@MENSSTYLEPRO.COM