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Blazers With A Nigerian Twist by Ikiré Jones

Blazers With A Nigerian Twist by Ikiré Jones

Wale Oyejide of Ikire Jones
[tps_header]You may know this man if you’ve peruse the interwebs and ventured onto Tumblr sites, Pinterest pages where women have pinned his looks as “Husband Material” or you’ve seen his image stolen by wannabes perpetrating it as their own. His name is Wale Oyejide, founder & creative director of the menswear brand Ikiré Jones.

Wale and I crossed paths due to our shared experience of emerging from Philly as two of the 5 finalists in the Esquire Magazine “Best Dressed Real Man In America” competition in 2010. Since that time, we’ve kicked it over many glasses of whiskey and he even tapped my modeling skills for his S/S 14′ lookbook where the jackets in the feature as exhibited (and are available for purchase now).

During early spring (hence the boots and driving gloves), I had the opportunity to shoot Wale and pick his brain a little about his collection. With his deep roots based in his Nigerian heritage, Wale showcase the vibrant nature of a culture that influences his work and designs daily. As a devoted father, husband, lyricist and creative mind, Wale wears many hats and a ton of dope jackets. Get to know this guy because he’s continuing to go places.[/tps_header]

[tps_title]The Reid[/tps_title] Ikire Jones The Reid Jacket

The Reid Jacket – Ikire Jones | Shirt – Suit Supply | Pocket Square – Ikire Jones | Pants -Lee Baron | Shoes – Gaziano & Girling “Regency 

“The jackets are inspired by my Nigerian upbringing. West Africans are no stranger to bold prints. It’s my hope that our work inspires more men to be less wary of embracing more color in their wardrobe. Life is too short to spend in nothing but grey, blue and blue suits.” Ikire Jones The Reid Jacket

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Ikire Jones The Reid Jacket

Ikire Jones The Reid Jacket

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