MSP Eats & Drinks

Men's Style Pro for Stella Artois
#HostOneToRemember: A Sartorial Holiday Jam w/ Stella Artois

Happy Holidays From Men’s Style Pro & Stella Artois (We Jammed, Sipped & Partied Until…

Stella Artois #HostOneToRemeber Summer Day Party
#HostOneToRemember Day Party Style with Stella Artois

(Sponsored by Stella Artois) [dropcap size=big]L[/dropcap]ast year, I partnered with Stella Artois to host a Kentucky…

Twenty Manning Bison Burger 12
The TMG Bison Burger That Changed My Life

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]o say a burger changed my life is a bit dramatic, but, my standard for…

I.W. Harper Dinner With Men's Style Pro shot by Austin Horton at Twenty Manning Grill Philly
Dinner With Friends & I.W. Harper Bourbon Whiskey

Great Food + Outstanding Friends + I.W. Harper Bourbon Whiskey = A Night For The…

Men's Style Pro Stella Artois Cidre Kentucky Derby Party
Kentucky Derby Party Essentials With Stella Artois Cidre

Horses + Friends + Stella Artois Cidre + Grillin’ = A Damn Good Kentucky Derby…

Recipes via SALTED
Let’s Eat (And Learn To Cook) With SALTED

Food. We all eat it, but, many of us are terrible at creating a dish.…