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How To: Wear Cardigans As Outerwear

How To: Wear Cardigans As Outerwear

Men's Style Pro in Cardigan as Outerwear

(all text in burgundy in clickable)

With the yo-yoing temperatures in the northeast this winter, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to pull out the heavy coats. On a regular day, many guys don’t spend too much time outside during a workday (unless they work outside), so the need for a heavy coat is not always there. Mix it up this winter and swap out that heavy coat for a chunky knit cardigan. Yeah…..that’s right! CARDIGAN. If Mr. Rodgers, your grandfather and Macklemore can rock a cardigan with no problem, so can you.

The key to donning a cardigan as a piece of outerwear is to go with the heavier knits. The cardigan that you’ve been wearing as a layering piece is probably a thin gauge, fine merino wool or cashmere and offers minimal warmth. If you’re looking for something that will give you some substantial warmth, ditch those thin cardigans and invest in heavy knits.

Style Tips:

  • When pairing a with “dressy”/work looks, waist coats add the illusion of  wearing a three piece suit, with the cardigan acting a your suit jacket (see 1st look).
  • The thicker the knit, the warmer the cardigan. Before selecting your cardigan, ask yourself, “How long do I plan to wear this outside?”
  • Thicker knits are stiffer and can limit mobility upon the 1st few times you wear your cardigan. After a few wears, the stiffness will subside and the piece will be less rigid.
  • Patterns: if the pattern of your cardigan is busy (see the 3rd look) keep the rest of the outfit pretty understated. Think of that cardigan as your “statement piece” in your casual look.
  • Sleeves: most sleeves are longer than your actual arm length. You can roll the excess sleeve fabric under to a length that is personally pleasing (see sleeves on the 1st two looks)
  • Belted Cardigan: This style is not for everyone. Gives off the vibe of sitting by the fire and smoking a pipe (if that’s what you’re going for). The length of this style is longer than the traditional cardigan and would be great to wear for long distance travel because of overall comfort. You gotta have some balls to wear this one. Remember this is NOT a house coat.
  • Choose your style battle wisely. If weather conditions are windy, even the heaviest cardigan may not protect you from the cold.
  • Cable knits are typically the warmest of all knit cardigans.

1. All Business

Onassis Clothing Weber Cardigan - Men's Style ProHand Knit Cable Weber Cardigan by Onassis Clothing – Essential Navy Custom Waist Coat & Trousers by IndochinoCooper Brogued Wingtips by Fin’s For Him – Mulberry Leather iPad Case by Logan Zane

Onassis Clothing Weber Cardigan - Men's Style Pro

Onassis Clothing Weber Cardigan - Men's Style ProMaroon Knit Tie by Nautica

Onassis Clothing Weber Cardigan - Men's Style ProRose Gold Watch by Michael Kors

2. Belted Cardigan For Travel

Onassis Clothing Belted Cardigan - Men's Style ProBelted Knit Cardigan by Onassis Clothing (available in store at Soho NY location 71 Greene Street)

Onassis Clothing Belted Cardigan - Men's Style ProMaroon Knit Turtleneck Sweater by H&M

Onassis Clothing Belted Cardigan - Men's Style ProRose Gold Watch by Michael Kors

Onassis Clothing Belted Cardigan & Tote Bag- Men's Style ProLeather & Canvas Weekend Tote by Onassis Clothing (now available online & in store) – Snuff Suede Allen Edmonds Neumok Wingtips

3. Everyday Casual

See Also
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Photos by Marina T. Peele @CantWinkLefty

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