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How To: Casual Tuesday (or Friday)

How To: Casual Tuesday (or Friday)

Let’s face it. Most guys would rather wear sweatpants, a t-shirt and Adidas sandals as their “uniform” for the workday (that would be the life). Unfortunately, dressing like a bum is not acceptable, even during those times when you decide to “dress down”. If you are a frequent reader of this site, you know that I speak highly of dressing up as much as possible because you never know when your time to shine will be in the office. “Dressing down” or going casual to the work place should not leave you looking as if you rolled out of bed or you are still wearing the clothes that you wore to the bar the night before.

This past Tuesday, I decided to bring casual Friday to mid-week. When deciding to do a casual look mid-week be sure to check you calendar to make sure there are no big meetings or client dates. Remember people judge you first on what you look like before they hear you speak.

Shades by AJ Morgan

The summer weather is still here and you can not escape wanting to dress in lighter fabrics. For my casual Tuesday, it was important to address a few key factors that I would apply my normal workwear, which were:

  1. Tailored Fit
  2. Color Combination
  3. Comfort

Adding a tailored fit to  your casual wear will make your clothing more versatile. Remember that when you decide to go casual to work , you should still look as professional as you do on your “suited-up” days but with a relaxed demeanor. When putting your looks together, color combinations work well when your palettes complement each other, without necessarily “matching”. When your clothes fit properly, you will realize that your are actually very comfortable. When your clothes are too large or small, the majority of your day will be spent adjusting those garment on your body (not a good look).

Brogue Suede Wingtip Loafers by Mercanti Fiorentini|| Leather Belt by Banana Republic

By using the browns in the shades, shoes, belt and wood bracelets, this look moves away from the security guard, blue and grey motif. A crucial key to your personal style success is to always own your style. Dressing casual to work or to any event means dressing with comfort and style. If you haven’t mastered your “dressed down” self, you may need to hit the drawing board on your personal style philosophy.

Linen Pant & Cotton Shirt by H&M
Relax with a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha after work.

Photo Credit: Marina T. Peele





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