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Men’s Style Pro + Awl & Sundry Presents: The Napa Slipper

Men’s Style Pro + Awl & Sundry Presents: The Napa Slipper

MSP x AS The Napa Slipper 4

It’s been in the making for a minute (can’t rush perfection) and now I happily present – The Napa slipper

MSP x AS The Napa Slipper Aerial

I’ve partnered with online custom footwear brand, Awl & Sundry, to design a limited edition shoe that I was essentially searching for over the last few years. Black watch plaid footwear is hard to come-by, so creating my own design was the only option. 


MSP x AS Portrait 2

The Details:

Each pair of Napa slippers is handmade with:

  • Leather soles & insoles
  • Wool, black watch plaid uppers
  • Blue wool back seam stripe
  • Blue wool piping 

Instead of going the suede route, my goal was to create a slipper that you could wear the majority of the year. The texture of the wool makes give this slipper the versatility of a sneaker in the fact that you can pair them with denim or you could rock them with a tuxedo to add some pop without peacocking.

See Also
S-Gent's Double Breasted Green Silk Linen Wool Suit

MSP x AS The Napa Slipper 2Sabir M. Peele of Men's Style Pro wearing The Napa Slipper 11Sabir M. Peele of Men's Style Pro wearing The Napa Slipper 7

Unsuited & Retooled 

Sabir M. Peele of Men's Style Pro wearing The Napa Slipper moto stroll 2

Personally, when looking at my style & how The Napa slippers fit into it, these shoes are a true bridge of my sartorial tastes. Sportswear is my main vibe, however; I’m often suited — which is how people tend to see me. This slipper finds a way to amp up a very casual look, but, they gives a off a casual -and yet slightly more sophisticated approach to tailored menswear (i.e. tuxedo). Sabir M. Peele of Men's Style Pro wearing The Napa Slipper close up motoSabir M. Peele of Men's Style Pro wearing The Napa Slipper 12

Head over Awl & Sundry to get a pair of Napa slippers.

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