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8 Swim Trunks To Upgrade Your Summer Pool Game

8 Swim Trunks To Upgrade Your Summer Pool Game

Sabir M. Peele in yellow swim trunks at The Poplar Apartments

We’re now in the sweaty, hellish part of summer. And we’re desperately trying to find a pool, the beach or at least a cold bucket of water to kick it by — pretty much anything that will keep us cool. That means it’s time to find the right trunks for a proper flex and take a dip. Luckily, the days of wearing two-foot long board shorts are in the past and we’re now (FINALLY) embracing mid thigh trunks. Welcome to the summer of the 5 inch inseam.

Sabir M. Peele in yellow swim trunks at The Poplar Apartments

Retro Style Yellow Striped Trunks – $39.90 Zara

Besides being on trend, functionally trunks that stop above the knee offer more mobility. And, if you’re a guy with thicker or muscular thighs (like me), opting for trunks with a side cut hem or retro looping will provide more room. So, this summer have a little fun, pick up a pair of trunks in a bold color or funky pattern.

Here are 8 pairs of trunks that will ease you into the mid-thigh swim trunk game in style (and comfort).

See Also
Greene Street Consignment Gateway x Men's Style Pro

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